fossil species
† Archaeothrips latipennis
Nomenclatural details
Archaeothrips latipennis Priesner, 1924: 138.
Archaeothrips hoffeinsi Schliephake, 1997: 66.
Genus information:
Gerontothrips Priesner, 1949: 131. Unnecessary replacement name for Archaeothrips Priesner (Bhatti, 2006: 358-359).
Biology and distribution
Fossil species from Baltic and Saxonian amber.
Priesner H (1924) Bernstein-Thysanopteren. Entomologische Mitteilungen 13: 130–151.
Schliephake (1997) Beitrag zur Kenntnis fossiler Fransenflügler (Thysanoptera) aus dem Bernstein des Tertiär des Bitterfelder Raumes (3. Beitrag: Thripidae, Panchaetothripinae). Entomol. Nachr. Ber. Dresden 41: 66–67.
Type information
Holotype ♀ (A. latipennis): Unknown; lost during Second World War.
Holotype ♀ (A. hoffeinsi): Collection Hoffeins, Hamburg.