Scientific Posters
Advances in Thrips Photography. Poster for the 6th Symposium on Palaearctic Thysanoptera in Zamárdi, Hungary, 13. – 17. September 2021.
Análisis comparativo de la cacería en tres pueblos de comunidades indígenas en Guyana Francesa. [Richard-Hansen, C., Gaucher, P., Maillard, J.-F. & Ulitzka, M.R.]. Poster for the VII Conference for International Management of Fauna in Amazonia and Latin America, Santa Cruz, Brazil.
Canopy-Thrips [Ulitzka, M.R. & Spadinger, R.]. Poster for the 12th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Ecology, Ulm.
Fransenflüglergesellschaften von Wäldern und Streuobstwiesen in Süddeutschland (Insecta, Thysanoptera) [Ulitzka, M.R. & Funke, W.]. Poster for the 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Ecology, Ulm.