Thrips in Citrus Crops – Differentiation of Pest Species and Ecological Aspects. Online presentation at Citrus Forum (Congreso international de Cítricos) on 30 May 2024. Powered by Agromarketing.
Thysanopteren – Fransenflügler – Thripse: Winzlinge mit faszinierenden Anpassungen [Thysanoptera – Fringewings – Thrips: Tiny creatures with fascinating adaptations]. Lecture at the 119th conference of the Thuringian Entomologists’ Association on 27 April 2024 in Mühlberg.
Fransenflügler – Thripse – Thysanopteren. Public lecture at Freie Waldorfschule Offenburg, Germany, 24th November 2022.
Rohrthripidae – Thrips from Burmese Cretaceous amber and the evolution of Tubulifera wings (including an introduction how to prepare thrips fossils for microscopic examination). Online presentation at the I SBT – Simpósio Brasileiro de Thysanoptera im August 2020. view video
Thysanopteren, eine wenig bekannte Insektenordnung – Allgemeines, Präparation, Bestimmung. (Thysanoptera, a little known insect order – General overview, slide preparation, identification). Lecture followed by a practical course as part of the evening program of the Mikrobiologische Vereinigung München e.V.; June 2019
Rohrthripidae – An ancestral family of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) from Cretaceous amber indicating how the wings in modern Tubulifera evolved. Talk given in the frame of the Amber Workshop within the conference of the German Society of General and Applied Entomology 11th until 14th March 2019.
Technological changes and a new family of Thysanoptera in Burmese Amber. Lecture at the Australian Entomological Society Conference in Alice Springs, Australia, 24th until 26th September 2018 (co-authored, and presented by L.A.Mound).
Revision of the fossil Melanthripidae from Baltic Tertiary amber including a new genus (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Lecture as part of the 5th Symposium on Palearctic Thysanoptera at the University of Agriculture (Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture), Cracow, Poland; 26th until 29th September 2017.
Was treiben Gewittertierchen eigentlich … in Getränkeverschlüssen? (On thunderbugs in beverage cups). Lecture as part of the 11th seminar on mineral water in Bad Kissingen (11. Bad Kissinger Mineralwassertag). Organised by Institut Romeis Bad Kissingen GmbH, Oberthulba, Germany.
Thripse als Pflanzenschädlinge – Erkennung und Bestimmung relevanter Arten im Pflanzenschutz. (Thrips as crop pests – How to recognize and identify relevant species?). Lecture within a training on sucking insects causing damage in orchards and horticultures. Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Thripse im Zierpflanzenbau – Erkennung und Bestimmung bereits bekannter und neu auftretender Arten (Thrips on ornamental plants – Possibilities of recognizing and identifying species causing damage). Lecture within a meeting on an exchange of experiences concerning the application of beneficial insects in greenhouses. Sautter & Stepper GmbH – Biological Plant Protection in Herrenberg, Germany.
Thripse (Insecta: Thysanoptera) entdecken, erkennen, präparieren und fotografieren (Finding, recognizing and photographing thrips). A talk at the second conference of microscopists in Dörnberg (Kassel), Germany.
Fransenflügler – eine kaum bekannte Insektenordnung (Thysanoptera – a hardly known order of insects). Lecture and practical course at the Microscopical Society of Berlin (Berliner Mikroskopische Gesellschaft e.V.), Berlin, Germany.
Zierbaurelevante Thripse – Wie genau kennen wir eigentlich die verschiedenen Arten? Möglichkeiten der Klassifizierung von Schadthripsen an Kulturpflanzen. (Thrips related to ornamental plants – Possibilities to recognize species causing damage). Lecture within a meeting on an exchange of experiences concerning the application of beneficial insects in greenhouses. Sautter & Stepper GmbH – Biological Plant Protection in Herrenberg, Germany.
Mathematische Überraschungen in der Natur – Von Zahlenspielereien und Fibonacci-Folgen. (Surprising mathematical phenomens in nature – About numbers games and Fibonacci sequences). Lecture within a pedagogic meeting at the Freie Waldorfschule Offenburg, Offenburg, Germany.
Wirklichkeitsverständnis der Amazonas-Indianer (Amazon Indians’s comprehension of reality). Course of lectures as part of the first Youth Symposium at Kassel on the subject »Reality«, Kassel, Germany.
Blütenbestäubung – Vergleichende Betrachtungen zwischen Bienen und Kleinstinsekten (Pollination – A comparison of bees with small insects). Lecture within the first extraordinary convention of the Buckfast Bee Convent in the Schöntal Abbey, Germany.
2003 bis 2005
Uncounted falconry demonstrations with eagles, vultures and owls at the German Raptor Research Centre, Burg Guttenberg, Haßmersheim, Germany.
Analyses comparatives sur la chasse et la pêche des amérindiens »Wayana« sur le Haute Maroni (Comparative analysis on hunting and fishing habits of the Wayana Indians on the upper Maroni river). Presentation at ENGREF, Kourou, French Guiana.
Bestäubung an Solanum subinerme (Solanaceae) – Ein Co-Produkt von Blütenparasiten? (Pollination of Solanum subinerme (Solanaceae) – A co-product of flower-living parasites?). Presentation within a botanical colloquium at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Thrips – presumable pollinators of tropical plants. Presentation at the conclusion of the LSF (Large-Scale-Facility) Program. SILVOLAB, Kourou, French Guiana.
Die Arbeit eines Biologen im tropischen Regenwald (The work of a biologist in the tropical rainforest). Introductory presentation for freshmen studiing biology at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Thysanopterengesellschaften eines Tieflandregenwaldes in Französisch Guayana (The Thysanoptera coenoses of a lowland rainforest in French Guiana). Lecture given as part of a botanical colloquium at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Laufkäfer (Coleoptera: Carabidae) – Ihre Bestimmung, Biologie und ökologische Bedeutung (Ground beetles – Identification, biology and ecological importance. Introductory presentation given as part of the practical course Terrestrial Ecology at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Eindrücke einer entomologischen Exkursion nach Französisch Guayana (Impressions of an entomological excursion to French Guiana). Presentation given as part of an ecological colloquium at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Thysanopterengesellschaften in tropischen Regenwäldern (Thrips coenoses in tropical rainforests). Lecture given as part of a botanical colloquium at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Fransenflügler – eine unbekannte Insektenordnung (Thrips – a hardly known order of insects). Presentation at a meeting of the entomological society of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.
Autochthone und allochthone Thysanopterenzönosen terrestrischer Ökosysteme in Süddeutschland (Autochthonous and allochthonous Thysanoptera coenoses in terrestrial ecosystems). Presentation at the conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DGaaE), Bayreuth, Germany.
Fransenflüglerzönosen (Insecta, Thysanoptera) von Wäldern und Streuobstwiesen in Süddeutschland (Thysanoptera coenoses in forests and orchards in Southern Germany). Lecture given as part of an ecological colloquium at the University of Ulm, Germany.
Biologie und Ökologie von Thysanopteren in Mitteleuropa (Biology and ecology of Thysanoptera in Central Europe). Lecture given as part of an ecological colloquium at the University of Ulm, Germany.