extant species, plant pests
Frankliniella intonsa
Nomenclatural details
Thrips intonsa Trybom, 1895: 182.
Physopus vulgatissima var. nigropilosa Uzel, 1895: 96.
Physopus vulgatissima var. fulvicornis Uzel, 1895: 96.
Physopus vulgatissima var albicornis Uzel, 1895: 96.
Physopus vulgatissima var. adusta Uzel, 1895: 96.
Thrips pallida Karny, 1907: 49.
Physopus brevistylis Karny, 1908: 278.
Frankliniella breviceps Bagnall, 1911: 2. Synonymy noted in Mound, 1968: 38.
Frankliniella vicina Karny, 1922: 94. Synonymised in Nakahara, 1997: 367.
Frankliniella intonsa var. maritima Priesner, 1925: 17.
Frankliniella formosae Moulton, 1928: 324.
Frankliniella formosae f. tricolor Moulton, 1928: 325.
Frankliniella intonsa var. rufula Keler, 1936: 104.
Frankliniella intonsa f. norashensis Yakhontov & Jurbanov, 1957: 1279.
Biology and distribution
Described from Finland (T. intonsa), Austria (T. pallida, P. brecistylis), former Czechoslovakia (P. nigropilosa, P. fulvicornis, P. albicornis, P. adusta), Vietnam (F. vicina), Japan (F. tricolor), Poland (F. rufula), Russia (F. norashensis), Germany (F. maritima), Taiwan (F. formosae) und England (F. breviceps).
Distribution: Europe, Palearctic Asia (with spreading to Taiwan, Northern Thailand, Bangladesch, Northern India and Pakistan). Introduced to Canada. F. instonsa is one of the most common flower-living species on many different plants in Central Europe. Pest species in case of massive infestation. Swarming on hot summer days (thunderbugs).
Trybom F (1895) Iakttagelser om vissaq Bläsfotingars (Physapoders) upträdande I grässens Blomställningar. Entomologisk Tidskrift 16: 157–194.
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königrätz, Bohemia: pp. 1–472.
Karny H (1907) Die Orthopterenfauna des Küstengebietes von Österreich-Ungarn. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 52: 17–52.
Karny H (1908) Über die Verändlichkeit systematisch wichtiger Merkmale, nebst Bermerkungen zu den Gattungen Thrips und Euthrips. Wiener Entomologischer Zeitung 27: 273–280.
Bagnall RS (1911) Notes on some new and rare Thysanoptera (Terebrantia), with a preliminary list of the known British species. Journal of economic Biology 6: 1–11.
Karny H (1922) Thysanoptera from Siam and Indo-China. Journal of the Siam Society 16: 91–153.
Priesner H (1925) Neue Thysanopteren. Deutsche entomologische Zeitung 1925: 13–28.
Moulton D (1928) Thysanoptera of Japan: New species, notes, and a list of all known Japanese species. Annotationes zoologicae Japonensis 11: 287–337.
Keler (1936) A catalogue of the Polish Thysanoptera. Prace Wydzialu Chorob Rosslin Panst Inst Nauk Gosp Wiejsk Bydgoszczy Volume: no. 15: pp. 81-149.
Mound LA (1968) A review of R.S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera collections. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology Supplement 11: 1-181.
Yakhontov & Jurbanov (1957) Norashen thrips – new form of thrips Frankliniella intonsa Tryb. Dokladi Akademia Nauk Azerbaijan 13(12): 1279-1283.
Nakahara S (1997) Annotated list of the Frankliniella species of the world (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Contributions on Entomology, International 2 (4): 355-389.
Type information
Holotype ♀ (F. formosae): California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
Holotype ♀ (F. tricolor): California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
Syntype ♀ and ♂ (F. vicina): Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.