extant species
Haplothrips gowdeyi
Nomenclatural details
Anthothrips gowdeyi Franklin, 1908: 724.
Anthothrips usitatus Bagnall, 1910: 695.
Anthothrips variabilis Crawford DL, 1910: 166.
Haplothrips brevicollis Bagnall, 1913: 296.
Haplothrips karnyi Bagnall, 1913: 296.
Haplothrips soror Schmutz, 1913: 1036.
Haplothrips sororcula Schmutz, 1913: 1036.
Anthothrips dozieri Watson, 1918: 71.
Haplothrips mahensis Bagnall, 1921: 267.
Biology and distribution
Described from Florida USA (A. dozieri), Barbados (A. gowdeyi), Hawaii USA (A. usitatus), Cuba (A. variabilis), Kenya (H. brevicollis), Tanzania (H. karnyi), Sri Lanka (H. soror, H. sororcula) and Seychelles (H. mahensis).
Distribution: Found widely around the world in tropical and subtropical regions. Recorded also from Japan. Presumably coming from tropical regions of Africa, as this is the only area from which males have been seen.
Adults have been collected from a wide range of flowers, with no indication of any particular host association; also found on grasses. Whether this species is always phytophagous or sometimes predatory is not clear.
Franklin HJ (1908) On a collection of Thysanopterous insects from Barbados and St Vincent Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 33: 715–730.
Bagnall RS (1910) Thysanoptera, pp. 669–70. In: Sharp D (ed.) Fauna hawaiiensis, vol. 3. London: Cambridge University Press.
Crawford DL (1910) Thysanoptera of Mexico and the south II. Pomona College Journal of Entomology 2: 153–170.
Schmutz K (1913) Zur Kenntnis der Thysanopterenfauna von Ceylon. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 122 (7): 991–1089 + 6 plates.
Bagnall RS (1913) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera I. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)12: 290–299.
Bagnall RS (1921) On Thysanoptera from the Seychelles Islands and Rodrigues. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)7: 257–293.
Pitkin BR (1973) A revision of the Australian Haplothripini, with descriptions of three new species (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 12: 315–339.
Okajima S (2006) The Insects of Japan. Volume 2. The suborder Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). Fukuoka : Touka Shobo Co. Ltd. pp. 1–720.
Hoddle HS, Mound LA & Paris D (2012) Thrips of California 2012. LINK
Type information
Holotype ♀ (H. karnyi): The Natural History Museum, London.
Holotype ♀ (H. mahensis): The Natural History Museum, London.
Syntype ♀ (H. brevicollis): The Natural History Museum, London.
Paratype (A. gowdeyi): National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.
Unknown type (A. dozieri): Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville.