extant species
Haplothrips williamsi
Biology and distribution
Described from Hualālai, Hawaii USA under bark of “Maba”.
Distribution: In 1929 this species was collected on the island of Hawai’i and it was described in 1934 by Moulton as H. williamsi (1 holotype ♀, 7 paratypes ♀, all forma macroptera). For nearly one hundred years this species has not been found again. It was thought to be endemic to the Hawaiian archipelago. In 2018 it was rediscovered on Palmyra-Atoll in its micropterous form (Ulitzka unpublished).
Moulton D (1934) New Thysanoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian entomological Society 8: 499–503.
Mound LA & Matsunaga JN (2017) The species of Haplothrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae) and related genera recorded from the Hawaiian Islands. ZooKeys 662: 79–92.
Type information
Holotype ♀: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
♀ forma brachyptera: Collection Ulitzka.