extant species, plant pests
Hercinothrips femoralis
Biology and distribution
Described from Finland (H. femoralis), Massachusetts USA (H. cestri) and Brazil (H. apicalis).
Distribution: Living on the leaves of many different plants, often on Amaryllidaceae. In Europe usually in glasshouses; common and widespread in tropical and subtropical regions.
Reuter (1891) Thysanoptera, funna i finska orangerier. Meddeleser af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 17: 160-167.
Pergande T (1895) Observations on certain Thripidae. Insect Life 7: 390–395.
Bondar (1931) Um novo genero e tres novas especies de Thysanopteros Heliothripineos, encontrados na Bahia. Archivos do Instituto Biologico Sao Paulo 4 1931: pp. 83-88.
Mound LA, Tree DC & Paris D. (2012) Ozthrips – Thysanoptera in Australia. LINK
Hoddle HS, Mound LA & Paris D (2012) Thrips of California 2012. LINK
Type information
Lectotype ♀ (H. femoralis): Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki.
Lectotype ♀ (H. apicalis): Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana.
Lectotype ♀ (H. cestri): United States National Museum, Beltsville.