extant species
Hoplothrips corticis
Biology and distribution
Described from Sweden (T. corticis), Yamanaka, Japan under bark of Aceris sp. (Hokkaido, Honshu, Izu island) (T. aceris) and Czech Republic (T. copiosa).
Distribution: Widespread in northern and central Europe and extending into North America and Japan; introduced into New Zealand, reported from Pinus radiata and apple bark. Breeding on or under bark of branches and trunks of dead Quercus, Populus and Tilia trees and also on fruit trees. Presumably feeding on fungal hyphae.
De Geer (1773) Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des insectes. Tome troisième: pp. I-VIII [= 1-8], 1-696, [1-2], Pl. 1-44. Stockholm (Hesselberg).
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königrätz, Böhmen: pp. 1–472.
Karny H (1913) Thysanoptera von Japan. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 79: 122–128.
Mound LA & Walker AK (1986) Tubulifera (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 10: 1–140.
Okajima S (2006) The Insects of Japan. Volume 2. The suborder Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). Fukuoka: Touka Shobo Co. Ltd. pp. 1–720.
Mound LA, Collins DW, Hastings A (2018) Thysanoptera Britannica et Hibernica – Thrips of the British Isles. Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. LINK
Type information
Holotype ♂ (T. aceris): Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.