extant species
Phlaeothrips denticauda
Biology and distribution
Described from Dult, Styria, Austria; under spruce bark.
Distribution: Rarely collected with only a few records. Reported from Austria, Hungary, Poland, Greece, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Also known from Germany.
This thrips lives on dead wood and very probably feeds by sucking on fungal hyphae.
Priesner H (1914) Neue Thysanopteren (Blasenfüsse) aus Österreich. Entomologische Zeitung, Frankfurt 27: 259–261; 265–266.
Ulitzka MR (2024) Revision der europäischen Phlaeothrips-Arten (Insecta: Thysanoptera) mit neuen Nachweisen. Vernate 43: 85–96.
Type information
Holotype ♂: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main.