extant species
Platythrips tunicatus
Biology and distribution
Described from England (T. tunicata, B. nigricornis), Germany from Asperula odorata (T. asperulae), Finland (P. obscura) and Austria (P. macroptera).
Distribution: Widespread in northern parts of Europe in grassland habitats and meadows. Breeding in flowers and on leaves of different species of Galium, particularly on Galium mollugo (Rubiaceae).
Haliday AH (1852) Order III Physapoda. pp. 1094–1118 in Walker F List of the Homopterous insects in the British Museum Part IV. London: British Museum.
Jordan (1888) Anatomie und Biologie der Physapoda. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 47: 541-620.
Reuter OM (1899) Thysanoptera Fennica. Acta Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 17(2): 1-67.
Bagnall RS (1913) Further notes on new and rare British Thysanoptera (Terebrantia) with descriptions of new species. Journal of economic Biology 8: 231–240.
Priesner H (1920) Beitrag sur Kenntnis der Thysanopteren Oberösterreichs. Jahresbericht des Museum Francisco Carolinum 78: 50–63.
Mound LA, Collins DW, Hastings A (2018) Thysanoptera Britannica et Hibernica – Thrips of the British Isles. Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. LINK
Type information
Holotype ♂ (B. nigricornis): The Natural History Museum, London.