extant species
Phlaeothrips bispinosus
Biology and distribution
Described from Ruskuli, Albania (P. bispinosus) and from Khrialeti (Municipality Ozurgeti), Guria, Georgia, from oak leaves (P. guriensis).
Distribution: Phlaeothrips bispinosus is widespread in Europe, but not common. Reports usually refer to individual specimens. Besides Albania and Georgia this species is reported from: Norway, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Greece, Romania, Mongolia and Transcaucasia; in Germany, P. bispinosus has only been recorded at four locations (Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia).
This thrips lives on dead wood and very probably feeds by sucking on fungal hyphae.
Note: The long pronotal anteroangular setae are only developed in oedymerous males. Females and gynaecoid males have short setae with funnel-shaped ends.
Priesner H (1919) Zur Thysanopterenfauna Albaniens. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 128: 115–144.
Savenko RF (1951) Zur Fauna der Thysanopteren Georgiens. Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR 10: 235–237. [Савенко Р Ф (1951) К фауне пузыреногих (Thysanoptera) Грузки. Тр. Инст. зоол. АН ГССР т. Χ: 235–237].
Ulitzka MR (2024) Revision der europäischen Phlaeothrips-Arten (Insecta: Thysanoptera) mit neuen Nachweisen. Vernate 43: 85–96.
Type information
Holotype ♂ (P. bispinosus): Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main.
Holotype ♂ (P. guriensis): Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia (not accessible; possibly lost).