extant species
Smicrothrips particula
Biology and distribution
Described from Santa Catarina, Brazil from Lantana (Verbenaceae).
Distribution: Southern Brazil. Recorded in the USA from Callicarpa (Lamiaceae) (Ulitzka unpublished).
Smicrothrips particula most likely is predatory on small arthropods such as mites. Its unusual laterally flattened body appears to be an adaptation allowing to move quickly between plant trichomes. Pseudobrachypterous forms, which presumably break off their wings actively, are frequently found within the populations.
Mound LA & Marullo R (1996) The Thrips of Central and South America: An Introduction. Memoirs on Entomology, International 6: 1–488.
Pitkin BR (1978) Lectotype designations of certain species of thrips described by J.D. Hood and notes on his collection (Thysanoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 80: 264–295.
Type information
Lectotype ♀: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.