extant species, plant pests
Thrips nigropilosus
Biology and distribution
Described from former Czechoslovakia (T. nigropilosa, T. laevior), Iowa USA (T. lactucae) and Austria (T. pilosissima, T. umbratus).
Distribution: originally distributed across the Palaearctic to Japan; widely introduced around the world (e.g. East Africa, New Zealand) Locally common, especially in grassland habitats, Thrips nigropilosus is living and breeding in flowers as well as on young leaves of various plants, particularly Asteraceae (Achilea, Chrysanthemum, Pyrethrum and Senecio). Thrips nigropilosus occasionally occurs as a serious pest of the ornamental flower production but also on crops such as basil, mint or cucumbers, both in outdoor and indoor cultivation.
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königgrätz, Bohemia: pp. 1–472.
Beach AM (1896) Contribution to a knowledge of the Thripidae of Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences 3: 214–227.
Priesner H (1920) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Thysanopteren Oberösterreichs. Jahresberichte Musem Francisco Carolinus 78: 50–63.
Priesner H (1922) Neue Rasenthripse aus Österreich. Konowia 1: 87–96.
Palmer JM (1992) Thrips (Thysanoptera) from Pakistan to the Pacific: a review. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 61: 1–76.
Nakahara S (1994) The genus Thrips Linnaeus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of the New World. Technical Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture 1822: 1–183.
zur Strassen R (1996) Neue Daten zur Systematik und Verbreitung einiger west-paläarktischer Terebrantia-Arten (Thysanoptera). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 40: 111–118.
Type information