Rezente Arten
Melanthrips fuscus
Details zur Nomenklatur & Synonyme
Thrips fuscus Sulzer, 1776: 113.
Melanthrips obesa Haliday, 1836: 450.
Melanthrips harrisoni Bagnall, 1930: 48.
Melanthrips gracilicornis Maltbaek, 1931: 2.
Melanthrips falcatus Melis, 1931: 79.
Melanthrips contortus Melis, 1931: 102.
Melanthrips cupreus Melis, 1931: 109.
Melanthrips communis Melis, 1931: 112.
Melanthrips niger Melis, 1931: 112.
Melanthrips aetnaeus Melis, 1931: 118.
Melanthrips lagaeniventris Melis, 1931: 119.
Melanthrips minutus Melis, 1931: 122.
Melanthrips elegans Melis, 1931: 124.
Melanthrips inflativentris Melis, 1931: 126.
Melanthrips acuminatus Melis, 1931: 128.
Melanthrips siculus Melis, 1931: 135.
Melanthrips bisetosus Bagnall, 1934: 485.
Biologie und Verbreitung
Beschrieben aus der Schweiz. In der westlichen Paläarktis weit verbreitet. Oft in Brassicaceen-Blüten.
Sulzer (1776) Abgekürzte Geschichte der Insecten nach dem Linnaeischen System. Erster Theil. – pp. 1-28, 1-274. Winterthur. (Steiner).
Haliday AH (1836) An epitome of the British genera in the Order Thysanoptera with indications of a few of the species. Entomological Magazine 3: 439–451.
Bagnall RS (1930) On some new and rare British thrips. Entomologist’s monthly Magazine 66: 47–50.
Melis (1931) Redia 20: 102-128,
Bagnall RS (1934) Contributions towards a knowledge of the European Thysanoptera. V. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)14: 481–500.
Holotypus ♀ (M. harrisoni): The Natural History Museum, London.
Paratypen (M. bisetosus): The Natural History Museum, London.